November 26, 2009


Posted in Uncategorized at 8:30 pm by Rudimentary Ramblings

As most of you know, I am a go-getter. No matter what the project is, I try and tackle it the best way I know how. Except this house. I have a major weakness and it is called “lack of tool-girl skills.” So, to make up for this weakness, I have to rely on other people to help me. One thing I’m definitely getting schooled on real quick is ceilings. To make a long story short, after we Spanish Laced the ceiling and then primed it, the ceiling cracked. Okay, it didn’t just crack, it looked like how the Sahara gets when there is a long drought — the sand and ground begins to crack. Well, that’s what it looked like, except it was on our ceiling! Okay, so I’m being a little melodramatic, but it isn’t too far from the truth! Anywayz… our good friend Nathan came back to the house to see what was up. No pun intended! 🙂 He scraped a bit of the ceiling away to find that it wasn’t sticking to the parts of the drywall that had old mud. If you look at pictures after we had scraped the popcorn off the ceiling and notice the white lines of mud. Well, it is in those areas where the Spanish Lace came away from the ceiling. I was livid after seeing the new Spanish Lace come down in foot chunks!

So, now we are pretty much back to square one: What to put up on that ceiling and make it stick? On Saturday, Patrick and I bought a product called Peel Stop. I think it is the solution to our problem! It is like decoupage for ceilings. We are going to make this ceiling stick! This week is another week spent scraping the ceiling and decoupaging the ceiling. I may not have tool-girl skills, but I do learn quickly. I may be disheartened but it won’t last for too long! Pep talk of the week: Let’s get out there and seal up that ceiling so it stops coming down!

November 4, 2009

A Whole Bunch of Whatever!

Posted in Uncategorized at 6:59 pm by Rudimentary Ramblings

I think I’m getting abit behind or maybe I just want to make a blog about each individual thing that we do. Either way I want to do a what ever post because that is how I’m feeling right now!

First, I should give you an update! Since getting the family room smeared with mud to make Spanish Lace, we have primed it. ALL OF IT (except for the wainscoting, which was below the burgundy)! It took Patrick and I 5 hours and almost 4 gallons of white Bullseye Primer. I hate that stuff! It has a very strong ammonia smell. I’m sure it wouldn’t have taken us as long as it did, if I hadn’t had to take a break every 10 minutes to get fresh air. You probably ask, “Did you have ventilation?”  The answer is a resounding YES! We had the screen door open because it was a nice warm fall day as well as a fan going. It’s just that the paint stunk — BADLY!!! So the room is now a solid white.

I’ve also taken some more pictures, besides the family room! I took them of the kitchen. I thought that it was time to get the pictures taken. Primarily, because it is no longer a mess of cleaning supplies. We also unpacked on of Patrick’s boxes, which some were full of kitchen supplies that we needed!

However, I went to the house on Monday and Patrick pointed out to me that certain spots on the ceiling are beginning to crack. Where did we go wrong? Too much paint? Not enough mud smeared? Who knows! Luckily, Nathan is going to come over and check it out. He knows the answer, I’m sure of it and he can help us!

I also posted pictures of the house on the first blog. There are two, one of the front and one of the back of the house. Enjoy!

November 3, 2009

New Furniture

Posted in Uncategorized at 6:53 pm by Rudimentary Ramblings

Last week I bought some “new” furniture. It is new in the sense that it looks new and it is new to me. Since we don’t have any ceiling lighting in our house, the best way to provide light (besides natural light) is to have lamps. So, here are some that I bought:

I am so excited to get the family room done so we can move the furniture in and feel “moved in.” It is also exciting to have the feeling of owning the house with a finished room. We are finally putting our stamp on the house!