November 3, 2009

New Furniture

Posted in Uncategorized at 6:53 pm by Rudimentary Ramblings

Last week I bought some “new” furniture. It is new in the sense that it looks new and it is new to me. Since we don’t have any ceiling lighting in our house, the best way to provide light (besides natural light) is to have lamps. So, here are some that I bought:

I am so excited to get the family room done so we can move the furniture in and feel “moved in.” It is also exciting to have the feeling of owning the house with a finished room. We are finally putting our stamp on the house!


  1. Delia said,

    You said, “Since we don’t have any ceiling lighting in our house, the best way (besides natural light) is to have lamps.” Best way to provide light? I always liked the torches stuck on sconces myself, but whatever you like is best. 😉 Seriously, several years ago, I found several nice lamps at Big Lots (believe it or not). Can’t wait to see the house.

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