January 11, 2010


Posted in Uncategorized at 10:13 pm by Rudimentary Ramblings

It has been awhile since I’ve written. In the mean time, our cooktop has gone out. Thank goodness for home warranties! Word to the wise: when buying a home it is worth looking into houses that come with home warranties. Especially if most of the equipment in the house (cooktop, water heater, ect) happens to not function within that year. We were able to call our home warranty agency and they were able to replace our cooktop. Sure, it is cheap and it doesn’t match the counter top (or anything else in the kitchen for that matter), but in 5 or 10 years we are planning on doing a remodel project. Then we can expand our kitchen and get a range!

The family room. What can I say. We are almost finished with what should’ve been a 3 week project that has turned into 3 months. We didn’t prime before Spanish Laced the ceiling. So, after we primed the Spanish Lace, it began to crack in some areas. It cracked primarily where there was old mud on the ceiling that turned chalky. We should have figured if it was going to BARELY hold on the the popcorn, it would BARELY hold up the Spanish Lace. Another lesson learned was to always prime the drywall BEFORE Spanish Lacing it as well as maybe re-mud the old mud. So, now it is re-mudded and primed ready to be laced again. Hopefully, that will happen sometime this week! Then we can paint! Yea!

After the family room fiasco, we are going to wait until I’m living there full-time to work on anymore remodel projects.

Our couch that we have broke on us as well. Luckily, one of my friends was gifted with new furniture, so she has no use for her leather couch anymore. Now, I’m not a fan of leather, but the price was right – FREE. And it beats a broken couch and sitting on the floor because of it. Do you know how cold a cement floor with carpeting, but no padding can get? Cold. Now, the leather couch has a history. It was in a house fire. So, the back has a huge hunk of leather missing and frayed, so you can see the green and the frame inside. However, we put it up against the wall and no one will ever know, unless they read the post and go looking for it. Do we plan on keeping the couch? Absolutely not, it is just a temporary fix until we can get something better. Strangely enough, it matches our dining room furniture! Odd!

Now, we are working on getting a water heater. More on that later!


  1. Delia said,

    OMG. Thank goodness you’re young and have the stamina to do this! And the sense of humor to handle it.

  2. Melissa said,

    More power to you. I envy that you enjoy the renovation and can handle all the adversity coming your way. I’d be beyond frustrated at this point, which is why I don’t own a house.

    I didn’t realize you didn’t like leather. Boy, you must hate my furnishings. It was a smart choice in Florida, but I freeze sitting on it in the winter. Plus, yes, I know how cold the floor is with no padding, etc. on a concrete slab. I have to wear shoes in my place. πŸ™‚

    • Houses like apartments come with frustrations, but are just different ones. Frustrated, but enjoying the challenge!

      Leather is okay, but I have other preferences first. It is a cold furnishing. I don’t like being cold when I sit on furniture! Your furnishings are just fine as long as I sit on it for awhile and get it warmed up! πŸ˜‰

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